Wednesday, September 24, 2008
OK, we gave ballet an honest effort!
SHE HATED IT!!! She went to class 3 different times and absolutely hated it! This past week I tried to get her up from her nap to get ready for dance and she cried saying "I don't wanna dance!" How can you just MAKE them go. She's only 3 1/2. I talked to the owner and asked her if we could try gymnastics (she has a close friend in there). This past Friday we went and she was a little hesitant but after 2 rounds on the little circuit...SHE LOVED IT!!! I was so excited. She is fired up about going this week. I am excited about taking her. I wasn't gonna push it but she loves it! I am hoping to get some pictures soon so you can see what they do. I will post some as soon as I get some. TTFN!
A Little Somethin' to Blog About!
My latest piece of work! This is my nephew Josh. He will be graduating this year. I am so sad for so many reasons. One being...I am 17 years older than the day he was born. I am getting old! Anyway, I wanted to share this with you. I am so proud of this and all the rest of his pictures. We didn't have much time to go out and get all creative or anything so there aren't many but here are some of my fav's!

Friday, September 5, 2008
Bye Bye diapers!
We FINALLY said "Good bye to diapers"! I have been looking forward to this day for quite some time now. Averie started showing signs off and on of wanting to "go" since she was abou 18 months. She is now 3 1/2 and just started preschool. IT'S PAST TIME! She has pooped a couple of times on accident but wanted no part in going all the time. Our power was out on the 2nd and we went to my bro and sis-in-laws house and the kids were all out playing in the rain and she decided she needed to poop. I gladly took her in and sat her on the potty. She did...and we were both so excited. I took a picture of her standing by the toilet with my phone and sent it to Chad letting him know. It was pretty funny! He was excited for her. Now I know this is gross but she pooped yesterday right before 2 pm when Chad got home and she wanted to leave it in the toilet to show him. We did but it didn't end there. I'm sure if we could've invited the whole family over she would've loved it. We left it in there til Dylan got home at 3 and that was enough. It got flushed! She has already gone today so I am gonna say this is a good sign! YIPEE!!!
Averie's 1st day of Preschool
Here is Averie on her first day of Preschool. We were supposed to start on the 2nd but due to Gustav, it was delayed a few days. Nonetheless, we got started off to a good year. She loved Mrs. Diann getting her out of the car. Once we got inside though she was a little (ok a lot) upset when she first went into her room with Mrs. Tina but she was just fine a few minutes later. I was able to check in on her from time to time and was able to get a few pics. She is in a class with some of her Sunday School friends, this helps.
OH, the backpack! We purchased this little gem a few weeks ago when we got Garretts. She was soooo proud of it. I told her that we'd have to get her name put on it. She was excited about that too. A little later, she brought it back to me and said "Mom, I put my name on it". I didn't know what she'd done but....sure enough, she put her "name" on it. All she really knows how to write is an H, I think she thinks she's writing A's. Anyway, she drew a line of H's all along the front of the backpack in black marker. Luckily it was in the dark brown section of it (it's right above where it says EastSport. As "mad" as I was, it was too cute! I started to have her name embroidered over it but it's priceless. She wore it proud at school! She's a mess that "H"verie!
The last picture is of her helping us clean the rooms. The room you see is Diann's room but they all have the little kitchens in them. We'll keep you posted as the year goes by!

OH, the backpack! We purchased this little gem a few weeks ago when we got Garretts. She was soooo proud of it. I told her that we'd have to get her name put on it. She was excited about that too. A little later, she brought it back to me and said "Mom, I put my name on it". I didn't know what she'd done but....sure enough, she put her "name" on it. All she really knows how to write is an H, I think she thinks she's writing A's. Anyway, she drew a line of H's all along the front of the backpack in black marker. Luckily it was in the dark brown section of it (it's right above where it says EastSport. As "mad" as I was, it was too cute! I started to have her name embroidered over it but it's priceless. She wore it proud at school! She's a mess that "H"verie!
The last picture is of her helping us clean the rooms. The room you see is Diann's room but they all have the little kitchens in them. We'll keep you posted as the year goes by!

Averie started dance lessons...sort of!
This is Miss Averie so excited about starting dance. She had the best time trying on and buying the leotard, skirt, tights, shoes, bow and bag. She was so excited she told her cousins that we saw that day. She was even more excited to take a bath and get cleaned up before dance, get dressed and show her daddy and brothers. She OBVIOUSLY was "ready for the camera"! When we got there she was still pretty excited. We got into the dance room and she did just fine (not real excited anymore but still a little excited) going to sit on the line they have to sit on. As you will see in the pictures that follow, she didn't do so hot once Mrs. Susan started talking. She finally got to where she was in my lap and then I got (had) to stay in the room with her. I even got (had) to stand with her on the dance floor. Once it was all over she gladly went and gave Mrs. Susan a hug (when I told her to). We got home and were talking to her and she very plainly said that she wanted to just dance at home. We're gonna give it a few more shots (I paid for Sept. already). I'll keep you posted.

Go Patriots!
Here is Garrett at his first football practice...ever. He is so excited. He wants so much to be like his big brother. His first game is the 13th and they have him playing center. He's so darn cute! He's ready to play. Dylan was helping him snap just last night. I'll be sure and post some pics after the first game.

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