WOW, he looks so grown up. I don't think I've seen him this dressed up since mine and Chad's wedding. That was 8 years ago. This night was so special to him. He had the "perfect" date (which is now his girlfriend) and quite the big head about himself. He had every reason to though. He looked (looks) so good. He had a great time. He said that neither he or his date danced really well so they both looked silly together. What matters is that they had fun! She is a girl that is new to our church and new to Haughton. Her name is Chelsea. She is really sweet and a short little thing. Dylan gets a kick out of that. Her poor corsage was about as tall as she is. I hope you enjoy the pics. Oh, my dad is the "God Father" looking man. He came to chauffeur them around.

He sure is handsome and looking really grown up--even since I saw him last! You also look fantastic--wow--I am so proud of you! Keep it up!
Your Dad . . . he's just cracking me up with the Godfather thing going on.
I didn't know Dylan could smile that big! He better get that big mouth open in H-Town W.T. this Sunday night (5:00 pm)!!!! -lol
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