Friday, September 5, 2008

Averie's 1st day of Preschool

Here is Averie on her first day of Preschool. We were supposed to start on the 2nd but due to Gustav, it was delayed a few days. Nonetheless, we got started off to a good year. She loved Mrs. Diann getting her out of the car. Once we got inside though she was a little (ok a lot) upset when she first went into her room with Mrs. Tina but she was just fine a few minutes later. I was able to check in on her from time to time and was able to get a few pics. She is in a class with some of her Sunday School friends, this helps.

OH, the backpack! We purchased this little gem a few weeks ago when we got Garretts. She was soooo proud of it. I told her that we'd have to get her name put on it. She was excited about that too. A little later, she brought it back to me and said "Mom, I put my name on it". I didn't know what she'd done but....sure enough, she put her "name" on it. All she really knows how to write is an H, I think she thinks she's writing A's. Anyway, she drew a line of H's all along the front of the backpack in black marker. Luckily it was in the dark brown section of it (it's right above where it says EastSport. As "mad" as I was, it was too cute! I started to have her name embroidered over it but it's priceless. She wore it proud at school! She's a mess that "H"verie!

The last picture is of her helping us clean the rooms. The room you see is Diann's room but they all have the little kitchens in them. We'll keep you posted as the year goes by!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I miss you guys so much! Averie looks adorable in all of the pictures! She will love dance. Kendall starts at our new studio on Tuesday. Give all the kids hugs! Have a great day.