Tuesday, October 7, 2008

OK so I lied!

The gymnastics thing didn't work out. The first time she went, she loved it. She hasn't been back since. Not real sure what went wrong. I am sad but not upset. That's one less thing I have to worry about getting my kids to. We have enough on our plate as it is. Once Dylan and Garrett are through with Football, Dylan's soccer will be starting up. Luckily there is nothing for Garrett to do this Winter. I am all about not having to get 3 kids in 10 different places! Can I get an AMEN!!! I will be blogging more soon. Sorry I've been so neglectful. I just have been super busy with work, photography and LIFE in general. Later!


Sarah said...

Hilarious Cathy! Averie will find her niche. Kendall has been giving me a hard time about dance too!! I can make and ship you some bows if you want. I really like www.lilasbowtique.com. Nice bows and she is right in Shreveport. But let me know and I would love to make Averie something! We miss you!! Congratulations to Dillon!

The Wilsons said...

You mean you're not letting Garrett play basketball?!?! Sign-ups close Dec. 6 and (IMHO) it's the most fun, kid-friendly, fair sport offered!!!! Don't deprive him!!!