Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of School for Dylan and Garrett

Well, this morning I got my 10th and 1st grader off to school without a hitch! No one was grumpy, no one forgot to brush their teeth and NO ONE missed the bus. This was a great morning. It was so calm and smooth it almost was scary! I hope this wasn't just a fluke and is the beginning of a GREAT SCHOOL YEAR! We'll see in a few weeks how it goes when we all have to get up and out in the mornings. This will be Averie's first year of preschool.

This is Dylan trying to be "cool" and not smile for the camera.

WE know how to make him smile, don't we Garrett???
All you have to say is "Don't smile" and it gets them evertime!
Garrett is so excited!
Here they are waiting for the bus. This was too funny!


Beth said...

I hope it will be a great year also!!

The Wilsons said...

One down...a whole lot to go!

Sarah said...

Yeah! They look so cute waiting by the curb for the bus!

Coloradosnowbaby said...

I saw the link for your blog on tcbotb, and had to check it out- it is SO cute... I really love how you've personalized it. You've done a fantastic job, and definitely put a lot of work into it. Blessings to your boys as they head off to school- each year is a special challenge, I hope it goes well! Thanks for sharing... ;)